What is Pilates?
In 1923, Joseph Pilates brought his unique method of physical and mental conditioning to the United States. German-born Joseph Pilates had been asthmatic as a child, motivating him to improve his physique and strength. His study of martial arts and yoga, along with his work with physicians, led to the development of his conditioning system.
Why should I try this?
Pilates is one of the safest forms of exercise, yet can be the very demanding. The apparatus have been used for years in orthopedic and sports rehabilitation clinics. Because you use your whole body, you cannot progress without finding isolated weaknesses, thus your problem areas are focused on.
How often should I schedule sessions?
It depends on your schedule, your budget and how much motivation you need. I suggest at least once a week and preferably twice. For clients who cannot for whatever reason come more than once a week or once every two weeks, I make sure to ‘assign’ exercises that they can do from home in between sessions.
When will I see results?
Ah…this is the question I get each and every time and the answer is, it depends. It depends on how often you come, whether or not you do your homework, what you eat and how your body reacts to exercise. I have had clients see results in as little as 5 sessions. Others take longer. One thing I can promise is that even after as little as one or two sessions, your body awareness will increase. After 10 sessions you’ll most likely see a difference.
Will I lose weight?
Maybe. Weight loss is difficult to predict. There are many factors involved not least of which is diet. Also, as clients begin to gain muscle mass their weight may even increase despite the fact they are losing inches. As a rule, Pilates alone will not result in much weight loss, but it does wonders for overall body toning.
Is Pilates the only form of exercise I need?
Although Pilates is one of the most effective and safest programs I have seen in my 18 years in this business, you need a balanced program to see complete results. A complete routine includes cardio, strength training and flexibility exercises. Pilates covers strength and flexibility (and core), but doesn’t completely cover cardio. I always suggest that my clients engage in some form of cardio exercise like walking, running or cycling.
Is Pilates like yoga?
Yoga is a much older discipline than Pilates and encompasses more of the spiritual than Pilates. There are some similarities between mat Pilates and yoga, but other than that they really are very different.
What can I expect from a Pilates session?
Devra will first ask you a few questions to determine what your goals are and what health history you have. The first session will involve learning the basic movement patterns and then experiencing each piece of Pilates apparatus. Over time, the sessions become more advanced as progress is made.